Event Details

CASE Lecture | The Lost World of Genesis 1


Date: Friday, 26 July 2019
Time: 7:00pm (please be seated by 6:55pm)
Price: No cost
Location: New College, UNSW, Main Common Room

Event Description
John H. Walton (Ph.D. Hebrew Union College) is Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School where he has taught for almost twenty years. Dr. Walton has published nearly 30 books, among them commentaries, reference works, text books, scholarly monographs, and popular academic works. He was the Old Testament general editor for the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible (NIV, NKJV, NRSV), and is perhaps most widely known for the “Lost World” books (including The Lost World of Genesis One, The Lost World of Adam and Eve, and The Lost World of the Flood). His areas of expertise include the importance of the ancient Near East for interpreting the Old Testament as well as the dialogue between science and faith.

Renowned Old Testament scholar John H. Walton asks Do believers have to make a choice between science and faith?

Submitting to biblical authority requires that we be accountable to the biblical authors, and calls us to pursue an understanding of the text as well as its cultural and literary context. The lecture will focus on selected issues in the interpretation of Genesis 1 beginning with careful attention to the biblical material as the primary source of our information. After having attended to these textual issues, we will examine our findings against other sources from the ancient Near East for similarities and differences. We will then address the implications of our observations, asking whether the biblical text, read closely and contextually, could be viewed as compatible with modern scientific consensus for people who feel persuaded by this. Do believers have to make a choice between science and faith? With that question in mind, we will conclude by suggesting some guidelines for thinking about the integration of science and theology.

The event is free, however we will be providing light refreshments so if you wish to RSVP by emailing enquiries@newcollege.unsw.edu.au

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